O Lord, who heals the broken in spirit and binds up their wounds, I bring before You the frailty of my body and the weight on my soul.

Your word tells us that a prayer of faith will heal the sick and lift them from their beds of affliction.

I stand on this promise as firm as the ground beneath my feet.

Let my faith be as clear as the dawn, unwavering and steadfast.

Forgive my trespasses as I seek your restoration, not just in body but in the spirit, where true healing must begin.

As the sun casts its first light, cleanse my doubts and renew my strength.

Let this day be a testament to Your mercy and power, for I am but a traveler through this fleeting life, seeking solace and healing in Your embrace.


James 5:15

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him