Daily Devotional – The Good Shepherd

John 10

Shepherd’s Care

In John 10, Jesus paints a vivid picture of Himself as the Good Shepherd. Verses 11-14 say, “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.” These verses highlight a deep, protective love that Jesus has for each of us. He isn’t just a hired hand; He has a vested interest in our well-being because we belong to Him. The shepherd’s care is genuine, sacrificial, and unending. Just as a shepherd knows each sheep by name, Jesus knows us intimately and calls to us specifically.

The care of the Good Shepherd extends beyond mere provision for physical needs. It also includes spiritual nourishment and guidance. In John 10:3-4, Jesus says, “The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” Here, we are reassured that we are not alone; the Shepherd goes ahead of us and leads us along the right paths. This is a profound assurance—no matter what life throws at us, the Good Shepherd is there, guiding and protecting. He offers us safety, security, and a sense of belonging in an often chaotic world. We just have to listen to His voice and choose to follow Him.

Prayer for Guidance

Dear Lord,
In this moment of quiet reflection,
I come before You, seeking Your divine guidance.
I acknowledge You as my Good Shepherd,
And I place my trust in Your unfailing care.

Lead me, O Lord, on paths of righteousness,
For Your name’s sake, guide me through my days.
When darkness surrounds me, be my light,
And when I feel lost, draw me close to You.

Help me to recognize Your voice above all others,
And to follow where You lead, faithfully and without fear.
Grant me wisdom to discern Your plans for my life,
And the courage to step forward in faith.

In times of uncertainty, instill in me Your peace,
And remind me that I am never alone.
You go before me, making the way clear,
And You stand beside me, shielding me from harm.

Let Your love surround me,
As a shepherd tends to his sheep.
Fill my heart with gratitude for Your unwavering care,
And let me rest in the knowledge that I am Yours.

Thank You for laying down Your life for me,
For the sacrifice that brings me life everlasting.
May I always walk in Your ways,
And reflect Your goodness to the world.

In Your holy name, I pray,

Visit a Farm

Have you ever felt a deep connection to this imagery of the Good Shepherd while spending time in nature? There is something profoundly grounding about visiting a farm. If you have the opportunity, take some time to visit a local farm. There, amid the green fields and grazing animals, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the care and attention that a shepherd provides. Observing the shepherd’s daily routines—feeding, protecting, and guiding the flock—can offer fresh insights into how Jesus cares for us. Notice how the shepherds know each animal and understand their unique needs. This hands-on experience can bring the passages of John 10 to vivid life, making the relationship between shepherd and sheep all the more tangible.

As you walk around, consider the parallels between a shepherd’s tasks and Jesus’ actions in our lives. Pay attention to the dedication required to keep a flock safe and thriving. From the moment the shepherd wakes up until they rest at night, their focus is on the well-being of the sheep. Similarly, Jesus is constantly watching over us, even when we are unaware. Reflect on the protecting care you see enacted before your eyes, and let it deepen your understanding of the Good Shepherd’s eternal love and commitment to you. A day spent among the sheep under the vast sky can be a gentle reminder of how closely and lovingly Jesus guards us, ready to lay down His life for our safety and well-being.